June 29, 2010

Bulletproof T-Shirt

Why do we wear cloth? Simply, to protect our body from weather. But what if it can protect you form bullets too? No I am neither going to tell you about heavy bulletproof jackets not going to tell you a comic story. Scientist has made it possible recently. Now a soft cotton t-shirt will be strong enough to protect your body .In University of South Carolina a scientist Dr. Xiaodong L  did it.

How it is possible?

To make this thing possible they have used a material named boron carbide. This is the third toughest known material at room temperature. They dipped sections of regular T-shirts in a special mix of nickel and borate. After allowing the cotton to absorb the mix for 2 hours, the textile was dried quickly in an oven and cured at a high temperature for 3 hours. Once ready, the pieces of cotton were placed in a furnace and headed at 1160°C for 4 hours while continuously aerated with argon. Finally, the resulting fabric pieces were cooled and analyzed using electron microscopes and a barrage of strength tests.

So what was the result of test?

The end result was a fairly elastic and flexible fabric with the strength of boron carbide but the flexibility of cloth.

Future scope

The researchers are hopeful that this new technique will revolutionize not only personal body armor but also the protective coating on planes, tanks and other military vehicles. "We should be able to fabricate much tougher body armors using this new technique. It could even be used to produce lightweight, fuel-efficient cars and aircrafts."

Use in making better Vehicle

As boron carbon nano wires is one of the toughest materials so we can hope to see very light and so high mileage vehicle and planes.

So when you will get it?

Although the scientists have high hopes for their nano wires, the new tech isn't ready to replace Kevlar in bulletproof vests any time soon. The actual performance of the material wasn't quite as high as they had hoped, and further refinement of the technique will be necessary before it can replace current body armor materials. So you have  to wait for some time .

But at least we have to say…….......this is an incredible idea.

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